1. We encourage G20 countries to commit to fundamental workers’ rights and social protection for all workers regardless of classifications and sectors, noting new forms of labour in the digital and informal economy. Labour contracts, regulation, and practices should uphold equal pay for equal work, comprehensive benefits, reasonable leave policies and flexible work forms to address structural inequalities that disproportionately affect youth, women and marginalized communities including refugees and migrants. G20 countries should continually monitor the implementation of such policies and exchange best practices.

2. G20 countries should ensure the provision of a free and accessible ‘future of work’ virtual hub focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), as well as 21st Century skills. This should provide training programs and a peer network to be utilized by learners and educators at all ages, given the need for life-long learning. The hub should be accompanied by existing physical face-to-face learning centres, and should supplement educational curricula. Participation can be incentivized inter alia by stimulating mentorship, financial support, and globally recognized certification, with an annual review mechanism.

3. G20 countries should agree to use economic levers including government procurement agreements, rebates, and tax incentives, to encourage private companies to provide meaningful paid domestic and international career and entrepreneurship development opportunities for young people. Those opportunities must develop industry and sector-related skills and exposure to support labour force resilience to the changing nature of work, and to foster the entrepreneurial aspirations of young people.

Find the complete document HERE.